Carla Cometto

Carla Cometto

Carla Cometto is the Senior Editor of

Born in South America and raised all over Europe, Carla got the travel bug very early on in life and has never stopped exploring the world. The more she travelled, the more she fell in love with this world and realised we are the only ones capable of keeping it alive and healthy.

She cares about the wellbeing of everyone and everything, always trying to make conscious decisions in her every day life in order to contribute to the welfare of all the beings in this world.

Carla has a background in Biomedical Science and Psychology, though she’s always been inclined to the creative world. She’s a passionate photographer, specialised in travel and portrait, and loves to meet new people everywhere she goes.

When she’s not on her laptop writing or editing, you will find her planning for her next adventure at a vegan cafe stuffing her face with all the food her stomach can fit. And laughing — she’s always laughing.


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