About Us
IdeeGreen S.r.l. Società Benefit is the Italian company who founded and is managing IdeeGreen.it one of the two most visited web site in Italy about green economy, sustainability and environment, with 2.1 million of monthly unique visitors.
GreenIdeas.net is the international version of IdeeGreen.it where you can find some translated articles and some original new articles.
IdeeGreen S.r.l. is one of the few Italian Società Benefit certified by the Italian Milan Chamber of Commerce.
Managing Director: Matteo Di Felice
Senior Editor: Carla Cometto
Translator: Raymond Bellon
Editorial Coordinator (Italian website): Anna De Simone
Editorial Director (Italian website): Marta Abbà
Social Media Manager (Italian website): Christel Schächter
Special Contributors:
Sergio Ferraris, Scientific and Environmental Journalist
Emanuele Bompan, Environmental Journalist and Geographer
Marta Antonelli, Development Economist and Geographer
Company Information:
IdeeGreen S.r.l. Società Benefit
CF/PIVA 08578340963
Via Carnia, 10
20132 Milano
Tel. + 039 02 26 14 20 11
Company Information registered at Milan Chamber of Commerce
You can contact us at: ideegreen(chiocciola)gmail.com
IdeeGreen S.r.l. è a member of Assolombarda:
IdeeGreen S.r.l. Società Benefit is a member of FIMA (Federazione Italiana Media Ambientali)
Matteo Di Felice, Managing Director IdeeGreen S.r.l., is a member of Society of Environmental Journalists